My understanding on LiveData
is that, it will trigger observer on the current state change of data, and not a series of history state change of data.
Currently, I have a MainFragment
, which perform Room
write operation, to change non-trashed data, to trashed data.
I also another TrashFragment
, which observes to trashed data.
Consider the following scenario.
is the current active fragment. TrashFragment
is not created yet.MainFragment
added 1 trashed data.MainFragment
with TrashFragment
's observer will first receive onChanged
, with 0 trashed dataTrashFragment
's observer will secondly receive onChanged
, with 1 trashed dataWhat is out of my expectation is that, item (6) shouldn't happen. TrashFragment
should only receive latest trashed data, which is 1.
Here's my code:
public class TrashFragment extends Fragment {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
noteViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(getActivity()).get(NoteViewModel.class);
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
noteViewModel.getTrashedNotesLiveData().observe(this, notesObserver);
public class MainFragment extends Fragment {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
noteViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(getActivity()).get(NoteViewModel.class);
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
noteViewModel.getNotesLiveData().observe(this, notesObserver);
public class NoteViewModel extends ViewModel {
private final LiveData<List<Note>> notesLiveData;
private final LiveData<List<Note>> trashedNotesLiveData;
public LiveData<List<Note>> getNotesLiveData() {
return notesLiveData;
public LiveData<List<Note>> getTrashedNotesLiveData() {
return trashedNotesLiveData;
public NoteViewModel() {
notesLiveData = NoteplusRoomDatabase.instance().noteDao().getNotes();
trashedNotesLiveData = NoteplusRoomDatabase.instance().noteDao().getTrashedNotes();
public enum NoteRepository {
public LiveData<List<Note>> getTrashedNotes() {
NoteDao noteDao = NoteplusRoomDatabase.instance().noteDao();
return noteDao.getTrashedNotes();
public LiveData<List<Note>> getNotes() {
NoteDao noteDao = NoteplusRoomDatabase.instance().noteDao();
return noteDao.getNotes();
public abstract class NoteDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM note where trashed = 0")
public abstract LiveData<List<Note>> getNotes();
@Query("SELECT * FROM note where trashed = 1")
public abstract LiveData<List<Note>> getTrashedNotes();
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
public abstract long insert(Note note);
entities = {Note.class},
version = 1
public abstract class NoteplusRoomDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
private volatile static NoteplusRoomDatabase INSTANCE;
private static final String NAME = "noteplus";
public abstract NoteDao noteDao();
public static NoteplusRoomDatabase instance() {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
synchronized (NoteplusRoomDatabase.class) {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = Room.databaseBuilder(
return INSTANCE;
Any idea how I can prevent from receiving onChanged
twice, for a same data?
I created a demo project to demonstrate this problem.
As you can see, after I perform write operation (Click on ADD TRASHED NOTE button) in MainFragment
, when I switch to TrashFragment
, I expect onChanged
in TrashFragment
will only be called once. However, it is being called twice.
Demo project can be downloaded from
I forked your project and tested it a bit. From all I can tell you discovered a serious bug.
To make the reproduction and the investigation easier, I edited your project a bit. You can find updated project here: . I also opened a pull request back to your repo.
To make sure that this doesn't go unnoticed, I also opened an issue in Google's issue tracker:
Steps to reproduce:
- Ensure that REPRODUCE_BUG is set to true in MainFragment
- Install the app
- Click on "add trashed note" button
- Switch to TrashFragment
- Note that there was just one notification form LiveData with correct value
- Switch to MainFragment
- Click on "add trashed note" button
- Switch to TrashFragment
- Note that there were two notifications from LiveData, the first one with incorrect value
Note that if you set REPRODUCE_BUG to false then the bug doesn't reproduce. It demonstrates that subscription to LiveData in MainFragment changed the behavior in TrashFragment.
Expected result: Just one notification with correct value in any case. No change in behavior due to previous subscriptions.
More info: I looked at the sources a bit, and it looks like notifications being triggered due to both LiveData activation and new Observer subscription. Might be related to the way ComputableLiveData offloads onActive() computation to Executor.