
AOT - Angular 6 - Directive SomeComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. for self made Component

I am facing issue when i want to compile my current project in AOT with following package version :

my webpack and tsconfig.json configuration can be find here

I have facing some issue related to private / protected scope used on template and some extract parameter gived to some functions who doesn't really need it (Exemple $event who are not used on EventBinding).

Now i have this following list where i can't find where is my issue :

/path/to/app/header/main-header/main-header.component.html(85,7): : Directive TableOfContentComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive TableOfContentComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

my main-header.component.html file contain : // main-header.component.html

// main-header.component.ts
@ViewChildren('headerItems') public headerItems: QueryList<HeaderItemAbstract>;
mainMenuStates = {
    hamburger: false,
    bookmarks: false,
    search: false,
    toc: false,
    medias: false,
    article: false,
    language: false    

And my TableOfContentComponent does not contain any @Input property.

    selector: 'ps-table-of-content-template',
    templateUrl: './table-of-content.component.html',
    animations: [slideUpAndDownAnimation]
export class TableOfContentComponent extends HeaderItemAbstract implements OnInit {

    toc: TableOfContentModel[];

    devices: DevicesModel;

    tocContentHeight: number;
    tocContentMargin: number;
    menuHeight: string;

    constructor(private tableOfContentService: TableOfContentService,
                private deviceService: DeviceService,
                private elemRef: ElementRef) {
        this.toc = this.tableOfContentService.tableOfContent;

/path/to/app/header/main-header/hamburger-menu/hamburger-menu.component.html(125,5): : Directive SliderComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive SliderComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

my hamburger-menu.component.html is close to above presented code :

<ps-slider-component [template]="slidable" [countItems]="associatedDocuments.length">
    <ng-template #slidable>
        <ul class="clearfix">
            <li class="ps-hmt-associated-item-wrapper pull-left slider-item"
                *ngFor="let document of associatedDocuments">
                <a href="{{ }}" target="_blank" class="btn-nostyle">
                    <div class="ps-hmt-image">
                        <img src="{{ document.images.thumbnail }}" alt="">
                    <p class="ps-hmt-title slider-text"
                        [matTooltip]="isArticleView ? null : document.title"
                        [matTooltipClass]="['ps-mat-tooltip', 'ps-mat-tooltip-doc']"
                        {{ document.title }}
// On ts side
associatedDocuments: Array<AssociatedDocumentModel>;
@ViewChild('slidable') slidable: ElementRef;

And my SliderComponent looks like :

export class SliderComponent extends UnsubscribeHelper implements OnInit, OnChanges {

    @Input() template: ElementRef;
    @Input() countItems: number;
    @Input() resetSlide ?: null;
    @Input() fixedHeight?: null;
    @Input() isVariableWidth?: null;
    @Input() isBookmarks?: null;
    @Input() hasSkeleton?: boolean = false;

/path/to/app/header/main-header/medias/dialogs/image-dialog.component.html(34,5): : Directive CarouselComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive CarouselComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

Really close to previous one, i thinks issue is same.

/path/to/app/document/page/page.component.html(7,9): : Directive InfinityPageScrollComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive InfinityPageScrollComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

Here we don't have any input on InfinityPageScrollComponent and tag is call like this <ps-infinity-page-scroll></ps-infinity-page-scroll>

I precise, when i disable AOT on my webpack everything work like charm.

i have try to find solution on AoT Do's and Don'ts without any result.

I have also notice if i disable fullTemplateTypeCheck i am facing around 18 000 errors with some implicit any type and more strange, undefined property for my service declared on the constructor.

--- EDIT 1 : Provide code for Abstract class : UnsubscribeHelper---

export abstract class HeaderItemAbstract extends UnsubscribeHelper implements AfterViewInit {
    public toggleItem: string = 'out';
    public ANIMATION_DURATION = slideUpAndDownAnimationDuration;

    constructor() {

    // [Some other method]
     * Self animate after loading on DOM
        // Wait next to to avoid error :
        // ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked
        setTimeout(() => {

Code for abstract class UnsubscribeHelper :

export abstract class UnsubscribeHelper implements OnDestroy {

    subscriptions: Subscription[] = [];

    ngOnDestroy() {
        this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());

    addSubscription(subscription: Subscription) {


  • Well I have prepared here a minimal, complete, and verifiable example

    I have noticed a missing parameter with @HostListner

    sample of issue bellow :

    @HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
    onResize(): void {

    simply remove '$event' and it works great.

    In conclusion this two options work properly :

    // When you need the Event variable, you can use following syntax.
    @HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
    onResize($event: Event): void {
    // When you do not need the Event variable, you can use following syntax.
    onResize(): void {

    Thanks to @trichetriche for your help.