I using telethon package, for connecting and getting data from telegram. I want to convert Message object to valid JSON. for example, I get this object from the one API in telethon :
Message: {
via_bot_id: None,
entities: [],
out: None,
post: True,
from_id: None,
message: "hi everybody",
id: 71,
media_unread: None,
reply_markup: None,
fwd_from: {
channel_id: 1119999790,
channel_post: 2,
date: 2017 - 09 - 04 15: 43: 48,
from_id: None
reply_to_msg_id: None,
edit_date: None,
to_id: {
channel_id: 1099583379
views: 2,
mentioned: None,
date: 2017 - 09 - 05 09: 28: 46,
media: None,
silent: None
} }
and this is my favorite result:
"Message": {
"via_bot_id": "None",
"entities": [],
"out": "None",
"post": "True",
"from_id": "None",
"message": "hi everybody",
"id": 71,
"media_unread": "None",
"reply_markup": "None",
"fwd_from": {
"channel_id": 1119999790,
"channel_post": 2,
"date": "2017 - 09 - 04 15: 43: 48",
"from_id": "None"
"reply_to_msg_id": "None",
"edit_date": "None",
"to_id": {
"channel_id": 1099583379
"views": 2,
"mentioned": "None",
"date": "2017 - 09 - 05 09: 28: 46",
"media": "None",
"silent": "None"
Is there a way to convert in Python?
I solved my problem this way
I hope it will be useful for you too
for example, I get channel
object and convert it to JSON.
import json
from telethon import TelegramClient
from telethon.tl.functions.channels import GetFullChannelRequest
from telethon.tl.types import ChannelParticipantsSearch
from helpers import date_format
api_id = XXXXX
phone_number = '+98XXXXXXXXXXX'
channel_username = 'tehrandb'
client = TelegramClient('session_name',
assert client.connect()
if not client.is_user_authorized():
me = client.sign_in(phone_number, input('Enter code: '))
# ---------------------------------------
my_filter = ChannelParticipantsSearch('')
all_participants = []
while_condition = True
# ---------------------------------------
channel = client(GetFullChannelRequest(channel_username))
channel_dict = channel.to_dict()
channel_as_json = json.dumps(channel_dict,default=date_format)
and helpers.py
import datetime
def date_format(message):
:param message:
if isinstance(message, datetime.datetime):
return message.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")