MacOS Sierra 10.12.6
Android Studio 3.1.2
Flutter 0.3.2 • channel beta
Tools • Dart 2.0.0-dev.48.0.flutter-fe606f890b
Flutter doctor (no problems found)
Dart's SDK is supposed to be bundled when Flutter is downloaded according to the documentation:
"The Dart SDK is bundled with Flutter; it is not necessary to install Dart separately"
However, I opened an existing Flutter project with Android Studio and it suggested me to either "Download Dart SDK" or "Open Dart settings":
Apparently, I need to "Open Dart settings" and tell Android Studio where to find the Dart' SDK. However, it can't find it within the flutter/
The Dart's SDK is located at /flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
However, If Android Studio's flutter plugin is installed, the plugin needs to be told where flutter's SDK is located. Android Studio should be able to locate Dart's SDK afterwards: