Can a regular expressions be used to compare and match set of words?
For example, I want a string like this...
"loan nation"
to match on these...
"Loan Origination"
"international loans"
but not on these...
"home mortgage loan"
"Loan Application"
Based on your requirement I will suggest to use a custom function, say, checkMatch(str)
that takes the string and return the boolean value for the match found or not found.
var strToMatch = "loan nation";
var str1 = "Loan Origination";
var str2 ="international loans";
var str3 = "home mortgage loan";
var str4 = "Loan Application";
function checkMatch(str){
var strToMatchArray = strToMatch.split(' ');
var matched = true;
for(var i=0; i<strToMatchArray.length; i++){
if(str.toLowerCase().indexOf(strToMatchArray[i].toLowerCase()) === -1){
matched = false;
return matched;
//do not match