i'm trying to remove a script from a wordpress theme using a child-theme. After several research on stack overflow, google and youtube, I'm still unable to find an answer to my problem.
The script always return "Uncaught ReferenceError: add_action is not defined"
in the console
here's the .js that remove the file :
function dequeue_scripts(){
wp_dequeue_script("refrakt-stickymenu"); //disable sticky menu
add_action("wp_print_scripts","dequeue_scripts", 0);
What am I doing wrong ?
It is not js script, this is php code. You should add this to functions.php of your active theme.
function dequeue_scripts(){
wp_dequeue_script("refrakt-stickymenu"); //disable sticky menu
add_action("wp_print_scripts","dequeue_scripts", 0);