I'm new to R, so maybe this is a dumb question, but I'm looking for a way to iterate over all possible kernel options in the ksvm function in kernlab and spit out a table of the results.
Right now I have a basic set up:
# call ksvm
model <- ksvm(as.matrix(data[,1:10]),as.factor(data[,11]),type="C-svc",kernel="vanilladot",C=100,scaled=TRUE)
# calculate a1.am
a <- colSums(model@xmatrix[[1]] * model@coef[[1]])
# calculate a0
a0 <- -model@b
# see what the model predicts
pred <- predict(model,data[,1:10])
# see what fraction of the model's predictions match the actual classification
sum(pred == data[,11]) / nrow(data)
and it spits out all the predictions and an accuracy metric
[1] 0.8639144
Ideally what I want is a table that looks like this
kernel accuracy
vanilladot 0.8639144
polydot 0.7285432
besseldot 1
... ...
Is there a quick and easy way to do that, or is the only way to manually create a table with the model name and accuracy metric and then print or plot it?
You can iterate all kernels in a for loop:
myKernels = c("vanilladot","polydot","besseldot")
for(i in 1:length(myKernels)){
# call ksvm using kernel instead of linear
model <- ksvm(as.matrix(data[,1:10]),as.factor(data[,11]),type="C-svc",kernel=myKernels[[i]],C=100,scaled=TRUE)
# calculate a1.am
a <- colSums(model@xmatrix[[1]] * model@coef[[1]])
# calculate a0
a0 <- -model@b
# see what the model predicts
pred <- predict(model,data[,1:10])
# see what fraction of the model's predictions match the actual classification
results[[i]]=data.table(kernel=myKernels[[i]],accuracy=sum(pred == data[,11]) / nrow(data))