What would be a good way to fill the missing NAs in a dataframe column with intermediate values that grow gradually from the last non-NA value to the next non-NA value?
Here is an example: for the column cost, I would like to obtain the column cost_esti where the cost increase by $31 each year between 2014 and 2016, bridging the last known cost of $595 to the next known cost of $720
The code I came up with is lengthy. Is there an elegant way to do the same?
data = data.table(year=2000:2018,
cost = c(100,120,NA,200,220,NA,NA,300,350,470,500,NA,NA,595,NA,NA,NA,720,800))
## consecutive nas so far for each row:
data[, consecutive_nas_so_far := seq_len(.N), by=rleid(cost_nas)]
# total number of consecutive nas in the sequence
data[,total_number_of_consec_nas:=ifelse(consecutive_nas_so_far>0&shift(consecutive_nas_so_far,1,type = "lead")==0,consecutive_nas_so_far,NA)]
#get last and next known values for cost:
# apply the formula to calculate the gradual increase from cost_previous to cost_following
You can re-write
data.table operations using zoo::na.locf
and data.table::rleid
. Add 2 columns, one each for lastNonNA
and nextNonNA
using na.locf
. rleid
will provide you distinct group for continuous NA
. Now you can write logic to fill NA
using linear
between lastNonNA
and nextNonNA
data = data.table(year=2000:2018,
cost = c(100,120,NA,200,220,NA,NA,300,350,470,500,NA,NA,595,NA,NA,NA,720,800))
data[,':='(lastNonNA = na.locf(cost, fromLast = FALSE),
nextNonNA = na.locf(cost, fromLast = TRUE), Group_NA = rleid(is.na(cost)))][
,':='(IDX = 1:.N), by=Group_NA][
,':='(cost = ifelse(is.na(cost), lastNonNA + IDX*((nextNonNA - lastNonNA)/(.N+1)),cost)),
by=Group_NA][,.(year, cost)]
# year cost
# 1: 2000 100.0000
# 2: 2001 120.0000
# 3: 2002 160.0000 #Filled
# 4: 2003 200.0000
# 5: 2004 220.0000
# 6: 2005 246.6667 #Filled
# 7: 2006 273.3333 #Filled
# 8: 2007 300.0000
# 9: 2008 350.0000
# 10: 2009 470.0000
# 11: 2010 500.0000
# 12: 2011 531.6667 #Filled
# 13: 2012 563.3333 #Filled
# 14: 2013 595.0000
# 15: 2014 626.2500 #Filled
# 16: 2015 657.5000 #Filled
# 17: 2016 688.7500 #Filled
# 18: 2017 720.0000
# 19: 2018 800.0000