I have configured an application to use Skype for business Web SDK on azure portal. I have registered it successfully on AAD and done other necessary steps.
I am running it on my local machine on default IIS port i.e. 80 and name of web application is http://localhost/SkypeWebSDKSamples/ . While running the application its giving me error
ADSTS50011: The reply address does not match the reply addresses configured for the application".
The piece of code where its giving me error is below:
I have already put this URL in azure Reply URLs but its keep giving me same error. Below is screenshot:
I have seen several links on stackoverflow and web and none of them is helping. I have spend already 6 hours on this thing. Any help or suggestions will be highly anticipated.
I changed the reply URL on azure to http://localhost/*
and it works for me.
There is a NOTE in the official documeantation:
Note: During development it is a common practice to host your application on
and providehttp://localhost/*
as a reply url.