
maintenance mode on root avoid addon domains

Problem 1

It is little difficult but i have 3+ addon domain and their folders are in the root.. So example

www/index.php   ROOTSITE.COM
www/ example.COM
www/ example2.COM

Remember the above and is folders inside mains

So when i put the ROOTSITE.COM to maintenance mode.. by using

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^11\.111\.111\.111
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/maintenance\.html$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=307,L]

It diverst to Kindly tell a way to avoid making example sites to non maintanance mode.. Just like that i do not want any .htaccess rules on the root to affect the addon domain (in the folders)

Problem 2

Also other thing I need some pre made count down timer (in hours:min:sec) when site goes under maintenance mode... After the countdown ends it must divert to can it also change .htaccess? i mean when the count down ends it must change the rule of the .htaccess to remove rule of maintanance mode.


  • Problem 1

    .htaccess applies to all physical subdirectories, regardless of the virtual host.

    Solution 1:

    Create www/ containing:

    RewriteEngine On

    This will override any rewriting rules in higher-level directories.

    Solution 2:

    Don't put maintenance rewriting rules in .htaccess. Instead, put them directly in the <VirtualHost> section in the configuration file of your root site.

    Problem 2

    Put a condition on your rule based on the current date using the date variables. E.g.

    RewriteCond %{TIME_YEAR}-%{TIME_MON}-%{TIME_DAY}T%{TIME_HOUR} \
                2011-02-18T(09|1.|20)   # 9 am to 9 pm today

    This constructs a string of the current date and hour from the TIME_* variables, e.g. 2011-02-18T15 (this is a prefix of the date in ISO format). You can construct a longer string including minutes and seconds if you need the granularity.

    The regex matches the number range 9 to 20, so it will match times from 09:00:00 to 20:59:59, i.e., 9 am to 9 pm.

    Add this condition next to your other two RewriteCond directives and the rule will only be active in a certain time range.