
Continuous Integration build over TFS2017

I would like to know what is the equivalent of "Continuous Integration - build each check-in" (XAML definition) in VNext definitions.

1- Is it "Run continuous integration triggers for commited changes" in Gated trigger?

2-Or it is a "Continuous Integration trigger with batch changes checked" in build definition.

I ask this question because I was not able to launch a CI build after successfully Gated Check-in. My CI build does different steps than Gated.

I'm over TFS 2017 (15.117.27414.0).


  • The equivalent of "Continuous Integration - build each check-in" (XAML definition) in VNext definitions is Continuous Integration trigger:

    enter image description here

    Enable CI trigger if you want the build to run whenever someone checks in code.

    Select Batch changes check box if you have a lot of team members uploading changes often and you want to reduce the number of builds you are running. If you select this option, when a build is running, the system waits until the build is completed and then queues another build of all changes that have not yet been built.

    Select the version control paths you want to include and exclude. In most cases, you should make sure that these filters are consistent with your TFVC mappings on the Repository tab.

    You can get more details in the link below: