
Xamarin IOs, What are the string values to pass into UIFontMetrics.GetMetrics method for the textStyle parameter?

I'm having a Xamarin.IOs project. I need to use dynamic type fonts in my application.

I have followed this tutorial in doing so. The tutorial is in in swift I guess. And for the code segment,

label.Font = UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .title1).ScaledFont(for: customFont)

in the tutorial, the equivalent Xamarin.IOs C# code is,

label.Font = UIFontMetrics.GetMetrics(textStyle: <string_value>).GetScaledFont(customFont);

But what are the values can I use for <string_value> of textStyle?

I have tried,

but non helped.

What string values does UIFontMetrics.GetMetrics() accept?


  • There are two ways to do this,

    Way 1:


    The text style's string values can be taken from the TextStyle property of UIFontDescriptor text style properties,


    Way 2:


    The text style's string values can be taken from the GetConstant() extension method of UIFontTextStyle text style properties,


    One of these would be much better than entering string values directly 😊