I am using Kubuntu 16.4. LTS. Recently, I have updated my packages using the following commands:
sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade
Since then, the command git log
does not provide any output.
When using git log > /tmp/gitlog.txt
however, the file contains the desired output.
How can I get git log
working back?
Make sure you are in a local git repo, and make that you have a least one commit.
Your folder should include .git/
in it.
git log
does not show anything on console, butgit log > /tmp/gitlog.txt
writes commits into the file in the pipe.
It may be a pager issue, which blocks the output on the console, but does not apply when redirecting to a file.
Check with git --no-pager log
The OP lazyboy confirms in the comments an issue related to the pager:
the idea with pager helps me to check my system.
Some of startup scripts changed pager in my system and have affect to git.