
oracle 12c forms taking timezone -5:30

I have oracle 12c WebLogic and Oracle 12c Database installed on my windows server. On my database dbtimezone is giving me +00:00 which I want but on my forms builder when I'm running forms it taking -5:50 time.

Like if I enter 16:30 time on DateTime field then on the forms field it auto takes 10:00 automatically which means it's converting to -5:30.

As earlier, my timezone of the database was also -5:30 but then I changed my time zone to +00:00 So on database timezone is showing correct but oracle forms timezone is still not correct.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • After Adding NLS_DATE_FORMAT=DD-MM-YYYY in the registry for both Oracle DB and Oracle form services and altering the dbtimezone worked for me.

    For altering the dbtimezone I referred this link.