I have created a model Student
with variables id
, name
, course
. I need to display only students from courses
x and y OR with names
a and b in my xml form view. What I would do is add a context to the action associated to my form view like this:
<record id="action_view_student" model="ir.actions.act_window.view">
<field name="view_mode">tree</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_student" />
<field name="act_window_id" ref="action_view_student" />
<field name="domain">[('name', 'in', ['a','b']) **OR** ('course', 'in', ['x','y'])]</field>
I am not sure how to set the OR in the domain.
It's well documented for example in the V11 Documentation
The logical operators are prefixes and pay attention to the arity.
Your example would be:
['|', ('name', 'in', ['a','b']), ('course', 'in', ['x','y'])]
which reads name equals 'a' or 'b' OR course equals 'x' or 'y'
['|', ('name', 'in', ['a','b']), ('course', 'in', ['x','y']), ('active', '=', True)]
reads (name equals 'a' or 'b' OR course equals 'x' or 'y') AND is active