
Optimsimplex: fail in defining a necessary argument

I was trying to do a regular simplex (the notion of a triangle or tetrahedron to arbitrary dimensions) to start an optimization set of experiments. The Optimsimplex package provides an easy and useful way to achieve this by using the Spendley method:

library('optimsimplex')   #Paquete necesario
Ultra <- optimsimplex(method ='spendley',

The result Ultra is a optimsimplex class object containing the spatial dimension (n), and the (n) coordenates for each (n+1) vertexes. It is possible to specify a dimension (length) of the simplex by using the len option:

len: The dimension of the simplex. If length is a value, that unique length is used in all directions. If length is a vector with n values, each length is used with the corresponding direction. Only used if method is set to ’axes’ or ’spendley’

But this result on a error that I can not understand:

Ultra <- optimsimplex(method ='spendley',

Error: optimsimplex: The len vector is expected to be a row matrix, but current shape is 1 x 4

So, a 1 x 4 is not a row matrix as {optimsimplex} expected? Could this perhaps correspond to some kind of bug in the package? Thanks in advance.


  • The problem gets solved by using the new version of optimsimplex package which according to Sebastien Bihorel will be available soon on CRAN but is currently aviable on Optimsimplex-Github