
Safari WebRTC with easyrtc

On Chrome, I'm getting full Webcam & Microphone support both ways with easyrtc.js, but Safari doesn't want to cooperate.

The latest version of Safari is listed as being WebRTC compatible ( In addition, I have the option to "Enable Legacy WebRTC API" under the Develop menu.

Without Legacy WebRTC API enabled, I get the error message from easyrtc Your browser doesn't appear to support WebRTC. After enabling it, I get the error message Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: Type error from the easyrtc.js this.createObjectURL function at: window.URL.createObjectURL(mediaStream).

Any ideas how to get Safari to behave like the Chrome version?


  • Faced the same problem with easyrtc then used beta branch of easyrtc in development and it works. Previous, was using master branch.

    beta branch includes playsinline for safari.

    Clone their beta branch using :

    git clone -b <branchName> <repository>

    git clone -b beta