This question is quite different as I searched a lot for similar but didnt find any I am creating a project of react server side rendering feature and using webpack to write the es6
code and babel to compile the jsx
. In my express route I want to convert the App
component to string and then want to pass to the static html part . it is working fine when I am doing like this
var App = renderToString(<h1> Working Fine now </h1>);
but now when I want the App component to be here its not working
var App = renderToString(<App />); // Not working
I am importing App component in express server like this
import React from "react";
import ReactDOMServer , {renderToString} from "react-dom/server";
import App from '../common/component/App.js';
My App.js
import React from "react"
export default class App extends React.Component{
return (
<h1>From COmponent</h1>
Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined.
I checked some issues in Github too but there they were recommending to move to react-0.14 as those issues were old but now I am using react 16
Because you are already importing App at Line No 3
import App from '../common/component/App.js';
So, to fix your issues just replace this line
var App = renderToString(<App />); // Not working
with this
let MyApp = renderToString(<App />); // Working