what should i do to calculate percentage of occurrence of characters in an argument if the data are
i want to make a function regarding this which may help me in future to calculate more problems in future.
suppose our argument would be-
also, the reading frame would start right in the starting which separate in the number of 3(e.g-AUG,GUG) I got this code which is following but i want my answer in the form of list with two columns named count and percentage, please help me in modify this code to give percentage in required manner.
seqn <- c("UUA","AUC","GUA", "UUA", "GAU", "UUA") #your sequence
l_seq <- length(seqn)
u_seq <- unique(seqn)
seq_long <- "UUUAUGGGCG"
seqn <- unlist(str_extract_all(seq_long, pattern = "[AUGC]{3}"))
colSums(sapply(u_seq, function(s) str_count(string = seqn,pattern = s)))/l_seq
help me in correcting this code i want my argument continuous like UGCUGCUAUGAAUGAUG
This might work for you:
bases <- c("U","A","G","C")
sapply(bases, function(b) str_count(string = c("UUA","AUC","GUA"),pattern = b))
[1,] 2 1 0 0
[2,] 1 1 0 1
[3,] 1 1 1 0
EDIT: basic genetics
EDIT2: as per your comment this might work
seqn <- c("UUA","AUC","GUA", "UUA", "GAU", "UUA") #your sequence
l_seq <- length(seqn) #length of sequence
u_seq <- unique(seqn) #unique codons
# This calculates the fractions of the unique codons in your sequence
colSums(sapply(u_seq, function(s) str_count(string = seqn,pattern = s)))/l_seq
0.5000000 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667
EDIT3: As per your second question you can split your string in 3 letter codons like so:
seq_long <- "UUUAUGGGCG"
seqn <- unlist(str_extract_all(seq_long, pattern = "[AUGC]{3}"))
and run the code from EDIT2. If your sequence is not a multiple of 3 you will lose the last letters. You can solve this with some padding.