I've been trying for a while to call a java method from c++, I am able to do it successfully with an Activity class but with a NativeActivity, it crashes when calling CallVoidMethod. GetMethodID is able to find it, it returns an address. env & vm objects are valid & are populated from android_main(). Is it possible that it simply won't work with a native activity class?
Cpp: (edited)
void SendNotification() {
JavaVM* lJavaVM = main_activity->vm;
JNIEnv* lJNIEnv = main_activity->env;
JavaVMAttachArgs lJavaVMAttachArgs;
lJavaVMAttachArgs.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
lJavaVMAttachArgs.name = "NativeThread";
lJavaVMAttachArgs.group = NULL;
jint lResult = lJavaVM->AttachCurrentThread(&lJNIEnv, &lJavaVMAttachArgs);
if (lResult == JNI_ERR)
jobject lNativeActivity = main_activity->clazz;
jclass ClassNativeActivity = lJNIEnv->GetObjectClass(main_activity->clazz);
jmethodID _method = lJNIEnv->GetMethodID(ClassNativeActivity, "SendNotification", "()V");
lJNIEnv->CallVoidMethod(lNativeActivity, _method);
package com.thor.kalen;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.app.NativeActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class MainActivity extends NativeActivity
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
} // End of public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
public void SendNotification() {
new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("Alert").setMessage("").setNeutralButton("Close", null).show();
com.thor.kalen.MainActivity.SendNotification() Java method should be called for a jobject of class com.thor.kalen.MainActivity, not a jclass of this object: it's not a static method:
main_activity->env->CallVoidMethod(main_activity.clazz, _method)
Note the comment in native_activity.h:
/** * The NativeActivity object handle. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: This member is mis-named. It should really be named * 'activity' instead of 'clazz', since it's a reference to the * NativeActivity instance created by the system for you. * * We unfortunately cannot change this without breaking NDK * source-compatibility. */ jobject clazz;
Also, you can only show() an AlertDialog from the Main (UI) thread. Your C++ code suggests that you do you from a background thread.
If this code executes on the main thread, then
should be removed. AttachThread() can be removed, too, but it's a NOP when called on a thread that is already attached.