I use an OData Service to import data into SAP system. This is an OData example:
"Id" : "",
"Timestamp" : "/Date(1449479875000)/",
"UserName" : "USER",
"SourceSystemId" : "ANY"
Timestamp is defined as (see details here)
UTC time stamp in long form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss.mmmuuun)
When I upload this data to ABAP system, the timestamp results in,0000000
I don't understand how 1449479875000 becomes,0000000
How can I upload e.g.,0000000? Can anybody give me some hint?
The timestamp is in "hours since the Epoch" (1 Jan 1900) format.
The date 2018-12-07 09:17:55.000 would be represented by /Date(25441742750)/.