I would think that specifying Subresource Integrity hash on a resource should allow web browsers to cache much more aggresively, and basically always reuse the local copy of the resource.
Is stronger caching for SRI resources implemented (or at least "planned to be implemented") in browsers? So that for example hitting a "[Refresh Page]" button would still make a browser reuse the cached resource? Or is it not? If not, then is it because of some important reasons? Or just "not yet there, but yeah maybe some day"?
Inspired by @sideshowbarker's comment (thanks!), I browsed the W3C's issue tracker for SRI, and lo and behold, this idea is already tracked, as:
Implementing this caching idea is apparently indeed non-trivial with regards to security and privacy (e.g. because it could be used for tracking whether user visited a page). Thus, I assume, not yet (if ever) in browsers (though I still can't be 100% sure based on that). And not even yet determined if possible to be implemented in a "safe" way.