
schemaform adding the user input to a schema array


I am making a form using angular-schema-form


I am trying to make an array of items that a user can make using a form. So, the user can add as many items into the array as they want.

For now the items in the array contain a command type.

Command Type should be a dropdown containing SSH, REST, and whatever the user enters in as the personalized command type.

Code so far


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "personalizedCommandType": {
      "title": "Personalized Command Type",
      "type": "string"
    "commands": {
      "type": "array",
      "title": "Actions",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "commandType": {
            "title": "Command Type",
            "type": "string",
            "enum": [


    "type": "help",
    "helpvalue": "<h5>Command</h5>"
    "key": "commands",
    "items": [

One can test this code here: . Just copy and paste in my code.


As one can see, the code I have now has a field with Personalized Command Type and an array of dropdowns with the 2 options SSH and REST. But I want to drop to also contain the value of the Personalized Command Type once the user has entered it.


copyValueTo does not seem to have the functionality that I want given that it can only change values in the model, but I want it to change the enum array in the schema.


  • Use the onChange option:

        "type": "help",
        "helpvalue": "<h5>Command</h5>"
         onChange: "updateSchema(modelValue,form)"
        "key": "commands",
        "items": [

    Update the Schema:

    var defaultEnum = ["REST","SSH"];
    $scope.updateSchema = function(modelValue,form) {
        var currentEnum = $;
        angular.copy(defaultEnum, currentEnum);
        if (modelValue) {