Pagination works fine even for large Results. It even shows that there are 25k Results for the Query. Pagination works fine for the first 10000 entries. Though, if i want to display entry 10000 - 10010 (for example) everything breaks with this Error:
Uncaught PHP Exception Elastica\Exception\ResponseException: "Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [24240].
I am using friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle. I've tried to set max_result_window with no luck, the Result window size does not change.
What could be wrong?
It was my fault, you have to reset the Index so that the changes to the max_result_window takes place!
I added this to the Elastica Configuration:
max_result_window: 50000
After changing the Configuration reset the Index, than populate it.