I'm looking for simplest possible way to automatically recompile coffee scripts into JS.
Reading documentation but still having troubles to get exactly what I want.
I need it to watch folder src/
for any *.coffee
files modifications and compile them into concatenated javascript file into lib/something.js
Somehow can't combine watching, compiling and concatenating together. :/
The coffee script documentation provides an example for this:
Watch a file for changes, and recompile it every time the file is saved:
coffee --watch --compile experimental.coffee
If you have a particular script you want to execute, you could use the linux command dnotify: http://linux.die.net/man/1/dnotify
dnotify --all src/ --execute=command
Edit: I had some problems with the --execute part of dnotify - might be a bug, but this is what I got working:
dnotify --all . -e `coffee -o lib/ --join --compile *.coffee`
That executed the compile command each time a file was modified.
If you append the command with an ampersand, like this:
dnotify --all . -e `coffee -o lib/ --join --compile *.coffee` &
it will be started in a separate process. To get the process ID, you can use this:
ps ux | awk '/dnotify/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'
And then, you can kill the process by using something like this:
kill `ps ux | awk '/dnotify/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'`
But if that's your objective (to kill by process name), you can do it in a simpler way by using:
killall dnotify