
Twitter API in python GDPR update

A few days ago twitter updated some aspects of their API because of the GDPR changes. Starting today some of my applications have been breaking in a very odd way which I didn't expect would be affected by the GDPR changes. Maybe it has nothing to do with these changes but it is mysterious timing since they changed the API a few days ago and now I'm breaking. I am getting nothing back from the rate limit end point like I used to even 2-3 days ago.

I am using python and the twitter-application-only-auth==0.3.3 library and specifically I can log in and create client (so my tokens and permissions are still good) but when I do

client = Client(twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret)
url = ",users,search,statuses"
print client.request( url)

I get back

{u'rate_limit_context': {u'application': u'AZljARxCJ6b4rPtCGJIuk4O'}, u'resources': {}}

Where resources is empty. I can't see how many API calls I have remaining for each end point and this is causing problems in my app. I don't see anything saying this endpoint is supposed to change:

I can make other calls just fine. For example


works as expected and returns me data.... anyone else having this issue around the rate limit api endpoint? Am I doing something wrong?


  • Looks like an issue. Investigating internally. In the meantime, I suggest using the x-rate-limit HTTP headers to track your limits (note that these are only valid with GET requests, and only for standard API endpoints). Note that this is nothing to do with any GDPR related update to the API.