
Preserving data more than once

I am writing some code in Stata and I have already used preserve once. However, now I would like to preserve again, without using restore.

I know this will give an error message, but does it save up to the new preserve area?


  • No, preserving twice without restoring in-between simply throws an error:

    sysuse auto, clear
    drop mpg
    already preserved

    However, you can do something similar using temporary files. From help macro:

    "...tempfile assigns names to the specified local macro names that may be used as names for temporary files. When the program or do-file concludes, any datasets created with these assigned names are erased..."

    Consider the following toy example:

    tempfile one two three
    sysuse auto, clear
    save `one'
    drop mpg
    save `two'
    drop price
    save `three'
    use `two'
    list price in 1/5
         | price |
      1. | 4,099 |
      2. | 4,749 |
      3. | 3,799 |
      4. | 4,816 |
      5. | 7,827 |
    use `one'
    list mpg in 1/5
         | mpg |
      1. |  22 |
      2. |  17 |
      3. |  22 |
      4. |  20 |
      5. |  15 |