I have ArangoDB running locally with databases, collections, data and graphs from several different projects in it. I'd like to back up everything so I can rebuild my system. I know how to do a backup of a single database, but because I have a bunch I'm hoping to do this in one shot.
Essentially, I'm looking for the ArangoDB equivalent of
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > alldb.sql
Obviously the ArangoDB equivalent of
mysql -u root -p < alldb.sql
Would be good to know too.
As of release 3.3, arangodump does not support dumping all databases at once. It is per database.
To make it dump all databases, it can be invoked in a loop over all databases, e.g.
# loop over all databases
for db in `arangosh --javascript.execute-string "db._databases().forEach(function(db) { print(db); });"` # host, user and password go here...
arangodump --sever.database "$db" # host, user and password go here...
This will work if there is one user that has access privileges for all databases.