I have a standard TMainMenu
which contains some TMenuItem
elements. How can I find dynamically a parent main menu object from one of them?
The following code brings a compiler error already in the first executable line:
procedure TMenuItemHelper.AlignToRight;
P3 = False;
info: TMenuItemInfo;
buffer: array[0..78] of WideChar;
mainMenu: TMainMenu;
if Self.Parent is TMainMenu then
mainMenu := (Self.Parent as TMainMenu)
raise EMenuItemHelper.Create(strExcMenuItemNotFirstLevel);
info.cbSize := SizeOf(info);
info.fMask := MIIM_TYPE;
info.dwTypeData := buffer;
info.cch := SizeOf(buffer);
GetMenuItemInfo(mainMenu.Handle, Self.Command, P3, info);
info.fType := info.fType or MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY;
SetMenuItemInfo(mainMenu.Handle, Self.Command, P3, info);
The error message is following:
[dcc32 Error] E2010 Incompatible types: 'TMenuItem' and 'TMainMenu'
I can not see any related question, but the solution is probably quite simple.
The solution from Victoria:
if Self.GetParentMenu is TMainMenu then
mainMenu := (Self.GetParentMenu as TMainMenu)
raise EMenuItemHelper.Create(strExcMenuItemParentIsNotAMainMenu);