I'm using this code with Arena, a simulation software by Rockwell Automation. I'm trying to get the code to read some data from an excel sheet and assign it to an attribute of the entity which enters the vba module. When I run the simulation, I get this SIMAN error window:
"17035:EEVBA Entity: 2
A runtime error was detected at time 0.0 at the following block: * 6 15$ VBA:0,vba:NEXT(2$);
Event number 0 is invalid: must be positive."
What does that error mean? This is my code, any suggestions? :
Option Explicit
Public XL As Object
Public Wo As Integer
Public W_1 As Integer
Public NumContenedor As Integer
Public Sub ModelLogic_RunBeginSimulation()
Dim m As Model
Set m = ThisDocument.Model
Dim FileToOpen As String
Set XL = GetObject("", "Excel.Application")
FileToOpen = "C:\Users\A\data.xlsx"
XL.Workbooks.Open FileToOpen
End Sub
Public Sub VBA_Block_1_Fire()
Dim s As SIMAN
Set s = ThisDocument.Model.SIMAN
NumContenedor = s.EntityAttribute(s.ActiveEntity, s.SymbolNumber("NumContenedor"))
Wo = XL.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Cells(NumContenedor, 4).value
W_1 = XL.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Cells(NumContenedor, 5).value
s.EntityAttribute(s.ActiveEntity, s.SymbolNumber("deltaW")) = W_1 - Wo
End Sub
Public Sub ModelLogic_RunEnd()
End Sub
The cookie number of my VBA block wasn't matching the number in the procedure name VBA_Block_1_Fire()