after voyage package installation with this command :
php artisan voyager:install
I needed to create admin user with this command :
php artisan voyager:admin --create
and then entering the name and the password
The problem is after entering the username and the password it's returning this error
General error: 1364 Field 'employee_name' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into
and I have already a database but with different naming convention for example: the users table I call it employee and the name field called employee_name
My question is , is there any way to map the expected fields in voyager with my actual fields in my database because I can't change them ?
Thanks in advance .
Since you altered the normal structure of the User model and will likely run into similar issues with other packages that try to add users, you could create a boot() method in the user model to set this->employee_name to this->name and then unset this->name so that when records from other packages try to use the name attribute you correct it to the employee_name attribute.
This is off the top of my head based on memory so it may involve a bit more 'logic' but I think if you look into the boot method you will see that you can do this type of thing. I have used it to autofill columns with dynamically based values.