
Wrong/Different Publisher Name

We have created InstallScript Basic MSI projects, all the projects have English, French and Japanese as Setup Languages; and English as default language.Under General Information tab we filled our Company name(say XYZ) in Publisher field.

While running the setup if we select English as a language , we can see XYZ as a Publisher name in Control panel > programs. But if we select French or Japanese we have seen some other names(in french or Japanese) in Publisher column in control panel > programs

Please help me so that we can get proper publisher name

Thank you in advance


  • ISString Table: Not sure what version of Installshield you are using. You can generally add languages in the General Information view in the property Setup Languages. That should be done already.

    enter image description here

    String Editor View: If you insist on using the String Editor View, then you can group the display by dragging the Identifier column to the "group by" field on top of the display:

    Identifier grouping