We have created InstallScript Basic MSI projects, all the projects have English, French and Japanese as Setup Languages; and English as default language.Under General Information tab we filled our Company name(say XYZ) in Publisher field.
While running the setup if we select English as a language , we can see XYZ as a Publisher name in Control panel > programs. But if we select French or Japanese we have seen some other names(in french or Japanese) in Publisher column in control panel > programs
Please help me so that we can get proper publisher name
Thank you in advance
ISString Table: Not sure what version of Installshield you are using. You can generally add languages in the General Information
view in the property Setup Languages
. That should be done already.
String Editor
view under User Interface
in the left application pane.Direct Editor
. I go to the ISString table
and sort the string table by the column ISString
to see all the different languages "next to each other" in the table view.COMPANY_NAME
string has been set to in the different languages. Three different setup languages in the below table:String Editor View: If you insist on using the String Editor View
, then you can group the display by dragging the Identifier
column to the "group by" field on top of the display: