
Angular CLI create .spec files for already existing components

There is an option in .angular-cli.json to disable the automatic creating of *.spec files e.g. for components, see json schema.

This is a really nice feature because personally (this is just my opinion) testing the components might not be the thing that really worth it in a fast growing project.

However sometimes I would like to have an option to generate / recreate the corresponding *.spec file for an already existing component / service / pipe / whatsoever.

Is that possible using some command line call?

Created a feature request, let's see how it goes...


  • Currently Angular CLI does not provide this functionality and it is not clear how and when it will be possible to manage it in official way.

    However, here is a library "ngx-spec" that generates the spec based on Angular CLI spec presets.

    If you are using vsCode the authors of ngx-spec recomend using this extension