I've stumbled on the throughput-deadline-time
configuration property for Akka dispatchers, and it looks like an interesting option, however the only mention of it I could find in the whole documentation is the following:
# Throughput deadline for Dispatcher, set to 0 or negative for no deadline
throughput-deadline-time = 0ms
I think we can agree that this is not very helpful.
So what does throughput-deadline-time
control, and what impact does it have when on my dispatcher?
So I had a look at the Akka source code, and found this method in the Mailbox
that seems to implement the behavior of throughput-deadline-time
* Process the messages in the mailbox
@tailrec private final def processMailbox(
left: Int = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1),
deadlineNs: Long = if (dispatcher.isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined == true) System.nanoTime + dispatcher.throughputDeadlineTime.toNanos else 0L): Unit =
if (shouldProcessMessage) {
val next = dequeue()
if (next ne null) {
if (Mailbox.debug) println(actor.self + " processing message " + next)
actor invoke next
if (Thread.interrupted())
throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted while processing actor messages")
if ((left > 1) && ((dispatcher.isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined == false) || (System.nanoTime - deadlineNs) < 0))
processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs)
This piece of code makes it clear: throughput-deadline-time
configures the maximum amount of time that will be spent processing the same mailbox, before switching to the mailbox of another actor.
In other words, if you configure a dispatcher with:
my-dispatcher {
throughput = 100
throughput-deadline-time = 1ms
Then the mailbox of the actors will process at most 100 messages at a time, during at most 1ms, whenever the first of those limits is hit, Akka switches to another actor/mailbox.