I want to use the sql submodule of psycopg2 to write clean dynamic SQL:
from psycopg2 import sql
cursor.execute(sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM {}").format(sql.Identifier('myschema.mytable'))
This creates the following query:
SELECT * FROM "myschema.mytable"
Here I get an Relation "myschema.mytable" not found.
How do I handle the schema name properly? The following statements would work, but how do I create them with psycopg2?
SELECT * FROM myschema.mytable
SELECT * FROM myschema."mytable"
SELECT * FROM "myschema"."mytable"
edit: clarified schema prefix
The construction
is treated as a single quoted identifier, as can be seen from the produced query. Please see the answer by @gg for how to handle qualified identifiers in Psycopg since version 2.8.
(For older versions) You should pass the schema and table name as separate identifiers to format:
cursor.execute(sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM {}.{}").format(
Note that the schema and table name must match exactly, case and all, since psycopg2
's SQL string composition tools produce quoted identifiers, and quoted identifiers are case-sensitive.