I don't understand why can I check this two options together because this options are not similar in their behavior. I only want to check in the changes when the build (CI) succeeds. What I need to do?
Have a nice day.
There is no impact between CI and Gated check-in. When you select CI, it will build whenever someone checks in code, it happens after the changes have been checked in to TFS. If you select Gated check-in, it will accept check-ins only if the submitted changes merge and build successfully, which means only the build succeeded the changes can be checked in.
By default, CI builds are not run after the gated check-in process is complete and the changes are checked in. However, if you do want CI builds to run after a gated check-in, select the Run CI triggers for committed changes check box.
Detailed information you can refer to the link below:
Since you only want to check in the changes that builds succeed, you should only select Gated check-in.