
How to group elements in a list?

I have a python list:


I want the output to be a list:


I tried sort() but that also rearranges the order. I don't want that. I want the output to be in the same order as the input list.


  • You can create a dict that stores the index of the first occurrence of each value, and use the dict to perform the sort:

    lst = ["AM43", "AM22", "AM51", "AM43", "AM22", "AM51", "AM43", "AM22", "AM51"]
    ix = {k: i for i, k in reversed(list(enumerate(lst)))}
    res = sorted(lst, key=ix.get)
    # ['AM51', 'AM51', 'AM51', 'AM22', 'AM22', 'AM22', 'AM43', 'AM43', 'AM43']

    Edit: @emsimposon92 provides a 2-pass linear-time solution implementable as follows:

    from collections import Counter
    ctr = Counter(lst)
    visited = set()
    res2 = list()
    for x in lst:
        if x in visited:
        res2.extend([x] * ctr[x])