
How to do facet search with Pysolr

when we use curl or urlopen with facet to execute queries, we get a nested dictionary with 3 elements 1. responseHeader 2. response 3. facet_counts

I want to show the facet_counts while using Pysolr search. It just shows the 'response' value of the query output. I'm trying the following code, please help.

import pysolr
conn = pysolr.Solr('http://localhost:8983/solr/')
result ='enron', **{
    'fl' : 'body',
    'facet' : 'on'
for r in result:
    print r


  • When you're iterating over the result variable, you're iterating over pysolr's own Results object (and not directly over the JSON structure as shown by Solr).

    import pysolr
    import pprint
    conn = pysolr.Solr('http://localhost:8080/solr/corename')
    result ='*:*', **{
        'fl': 'content',
        'facet': 'true',
        'facet.field': 'field_name'

    Any facets will be present under the facets property of this results object.

    The example above outputs:

    {'facet_dates': {},
     'facet_fields': {'field_name': ['value', 54439, 'value2', 21179]},
     'facet_intervals': {},
     'facet_queries': {},
     'facet_ranges': {}}