I have a function that needs to change IFS for its logic:
my_func() {
oldIFS=$IFS; IFS=.; var="$1"; arr=($var); IFS=$oldIFS
# more logic here
Can I declare IFS as local IFS
inside the function so that I don't need to worry about backing its current value and restore later?
It appears to work as you desire.
changeIFSlocal() {
local IFS=.
echo "During local: |$IFS|"
changeIFSglobal() {
echo "During global: |$IFS|"
echo "Before: |$IFS|"
echo "After local: |$IFS|"
echo "After global: |$IFS|"
This prints:
Before: |
During local: |.|
After local: |
During global: |.|
After global: |.|