
Cassandra using Ansible

I am new to ansible and trying to deploy cassandra using ansible.

So far I was able to set up a 3 node cassandra cluster and start up cassandra services, but I want the errors/warnings in cassandra logs to be printed on console.

Is there any module that I can use? Or should I register the logs in a variable and display it?

Details: ansible version - ansible 2.5.3 and cassandra version is - apache-cassandra-2.1.16


  • by this command you can seen ERROE log in log file of cassandra:

    for debug.log

    ansible cassandrahosts -u userCanSeeLogs -m shell -a 'cat /path/to/debug.log | grep ERROR'

    for system.log

    ansible cassandrahosts -u userCanSeeLogs -m shell -a 'cat /path/to/system.log | grep ERROR'