We have new IBM APIC 2018.1 Management + Developer Portal which manage with IBM Cloud Manager.
I try to add DataPower gateway into Cloud Manager and it's return no error; I guess It's cannot connect to 5550 port.
I read this topics http://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/ShowDoc.wss?docURL=/common/ssi/rep_sm/2/649/ENUS5725-Z22/index.html&request_locale=en and there information only about DataPower 7.7.
When I press ADD Gateway I see an error that Datapower alredy exists but after refresh here is no Datapower gateway. Maybe IBM APIC 2018.1 doesn't supports DataPower Can you help me to resolve this porblem?
APIC 2018.1 requires DataPower firmware 7.7+