
No table numbering with pander in bookdown:html_document2

pander does not include table numbering when used with bookdown::html_document2. Did I miss some option?

title: "Pander Table Numbering"
output: bookdown::html_document2

# Chapter 1

# Table 1.1
kable(head(iris), caption = "Iris with kable")
# Another Table 1.1 (ok, same chunk = same table)
kable(head(mtcars), caption = "Mtcars kable")

# No table number
pander(head(iris), caption = "Iris with pander")

# Table 1.2
kable(head(mtcars), caption = "Mtcars kable")


  • First, I am an extremely grateful user of bookdown!

    I have tried to achieve the same thing using pander instead of kable. The reason for this is that kable or kableExtra do not render markup text in tables of pdf output, which is a huge current drawback... So for pdf output, kable will not render things like literature references such as @smith2018-so or *italic* and so on... which is a pain. Hopefully, a patch will be provided soon. To take the same code above, I was able to have the referencing work with pander provided several changes in the code above. Another thing about kable, one must add longtable=T otherwise the table floats down to the bottom of a page in pdf output.

    First I added documentclass: article in the YAML, and then I named the the code chunks. But the thing that really make it work in pander is by changing the caption to caption = '(\\#tab:chunkname) Iris with pander'). The trick was to add the double \\ which I could not find in the bookdown reference. So in the end, a code that worked for both html and pdf outputs is :

    title: "Pander Table Numbering"
    documentclass: article
      bookdown::html_document2: default
      bookdown::pdf_document2: default
    # Chapter 1
    Table \@ref(tab:TabKable1)
    ```{r "TabKable1", results='asis'}
    # Table 1.1
    knitr::kable(head(iris), caption = 'Iris with kable', longtable =T)
    # Another Table 1.1 (ok, same chunk = same table)
    #kable(head(mtcars), caption = "Mtcars kable")
    Table \@ref(tab:TabPander1)
    ```{r "TabPander1"}
    # No table number
    pander(head(iris), caption = 'Iris with pander')
    Table \@ref(tab:TabPander2)
    ```{r "TabPander2"}
    # table number this time!!
    pander(head(iris), caption = '(\\#tab:TabPander2) Iris with pander')
    Table \@ref(tab:TabKable2)
    ```{r "TabKable2"}
    # Table 1.2
    kable(head(mtcars), caption = "Mtcars kable", longtable=T)