I have an h:inputText control where I can type in numbers up to 7 digits and it will convert them to a decimal representation (ie. type in "9999999" and it will render "9999999.0"). However, when I type in any number with 7 digits or more, it will convert it to scientific notation (ie. type in "10000000" and it will render it as "1.0E7").
As a business requirement, I must display it in decimal representation and not scientific notation. Does anyone have a way to do this?
<h:inputText id="tableQuantityId"
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="messages, feePart" ajaxSingle="true"/>
Edit: After some further investigation, it seems that it's getting it's current format from the type "double". (In other words, you can assign "10000000" to a double and print it and it will show it back to you in scientific notation).
So I went into my getTableQuantity() method and changed it from:
(double version)
public double getTableQuantity() {
return tableQuantity;
(to String representation):
public String getTableQuantityFormatted() {
double d = tableQuantity;
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###.#####");
String f = formatter.format(d);
return f;
and I changed "value="#{fee.tableQuantity}" to value="#{fee.tableQuantityFormatted}" in my xhtml
But now I get the following error on the xhtml page:
The quantity value 10000000 is incorrect. /page/feeContent.xhtml @70,58 value="#{fee.tableQuantityFormatted}": Property 'tableQuantityFormatted' not writable on type java.lang.String
<f:convertNumber maxIntegerDigits="10" maxFractionDigits="1" pattern="#########0.0"/>
The tag f belongs to:
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
in my case.