
Reinforcement Learning with MDP for revenues optimization

I want to modelize the service of selling seats on an airplane as an MDP( markov decision process) to use reinforcement learning for airline revenues optimization, for that I needed to define what would be: states, actions, policy, value and reward. I thought a little a bit about it, but i think there is still something missing.

I modelize my system this way:

Could you please tell me what do u think and help me?

After the modelization, I have to implement all of that wit Reinforcement Learning. Is there a package that do the work ?


  • I think the biggest thing missing in your formulation is the sequential part. Reinforcement learning is useful when used sequentially, where the next state has to be dependent on the current state (thus the "Markovian"). In this formulation, you have not specified any Markovian behavior at all. Also, the reward is a scalar which is dependent on either the current state or the combination of current state and action. In your case, the revenue is dependent on the price (the action), but it has no correlation to the state (the seat). These are the two big problems that I see with your formulation, there are others as well. I will suggest you to go through the RL theory (online courses and such) and write a few sample problems before trying to formulate your own.