I do have an unique index with a partialFilterExpression
on a collection but duplicate data is sometimes inserted.
Index creation
getCollection().createIndex(new BasicDBObject(userId, 1)
, new BasicDBObject("name", "uidx-something-user")
.append("partialFilterExpression", new BasicDBObject(Properties.someting, new BasicDBObject("$eq", true)))
.append("unique", true));
The index from the getIndicies
"v" : 1,
"unique" : true,
"key" : {
"userId" : 1
"name" : "uidx-something-user",
"ns" : "somewhere.something",
"partialFilterExpression" : {
"something" : {
"$eq" : true
The duplicated Docuemnts
"_id" : "08a8506c-bcbc-4ed6-9972-67fd7c37b4bc",
"userId" : "1068",
"express" : false,
"something" : true,
"items" : [ ],
"recipient" : {
"_id" : "efbd8618-c480-4194-964e-f5a821edf695"
"_id" : "b6695c6a-f29d-4531-96ac-795f14c72547",
"userId" : "1068",
"express" : false,
"something" : true,
"items" : [ ],
"recipient" : {
"_id" : "4f93fe38-edb2-4cb7-a1b3-c2c51ac8ded1"
MongoDb version: 3.2.7, seems also to happen with 3.2.12
A Sidenote: When dumping the collection and restoring it, a duplicate key error
is thrown
Why is it sometimes possible to insert duplicate data and how to avoid that?
I created an MongoDb issue https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-28153
Was fixed in 3.2.13, 3.4.4, 3.5.6 You cen read more in the mongodb jira