This morning I ran into some issues using the cfdocument
tag. When a user runs a report, the report just hangs. The report has been running for years with no issues. I even took all of the code out and just put in the following.
<cfdocument format="PDF">this is a test</cfdocument>
The browser still hangs, no errors and the CPU does not jump. I am not sure why this does not work. Any suggestions?
I had a bunch of programs that included file:/// in a cfdocument tag.
I had thought that the file reference would be more efficient, however under coldfusion 2016, it caused occassional, unpredicatable server hanging.
The cfdocument process moves all required files into a work folder, and then produces the pdf.
In CF 2016, there is a setting (Clear Temporary Files Created During CFaaS after (Minutes) that by default clears out work files older than 30 mins.
However, if you use the file:///, then the creation date of that file is not reset, and when that process runs it will delete the file immediately - it is always older than 30 mins.
If the cfdocument process is half way through processing, and it collides with the Clear Temp File process, then a required file disappears, and cfdocument just hangs.
Then subsequent programs with a call to cfdocument also hang, as only one is allowed to execute at any one time.
This then eventually fills up all the cf processing slots, and required a restart of cf to get things going again.