Previously, I implemented light and dark navigation bar, however now tags as android:navigationBarDividerColor
and android:windowLightNavigationBar
require API level 28 when they previously required API level 27.
It seems API level 28 does not even exist as next API level is called P.
Is there any solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: it seems to work now on API 27 with latest support libraries
When the "next upcoming API" is still under development, its "name" is a letter (P in your case).
Once the final version of the API is available, the "name" is changed form a letter to a number (P to 28).
Final version of Android API 28 (former Android P) is available since early June 2018.
Just use the SDK manager and you'll be able to download it ;-)
Sources for "Android SDK Platform xx" (28 in your case)" is not available right away. (not available ATTOW)
It can takes a few weeks before they are available for download from the SDK manager.