
Why .eslintrc may don't see aliases from .babelrc.js?

I have some aliases inside .babelrc.js And .eslintrc with eslint-import-resolver-babel-module plugin to get aliases from babel config. But eslint anyway can't resolve aliases.

.babelrc.js, .eslintrc, package.json in the gist:


const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const projectPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './');
const pathToSrc = path.resolve(projectPath, 'src');
const stats = fs.statSync(pathToSrc);

const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'dev';
const envAppConfigURL = path.resolve(__dirname, `../app/${env}.js`);
const devAppConfigURL = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dev.js');
const localAppConfigURL = path.resolve(__dirname, 'local.js');
const sampleAppConfigURL = path.resolve(__dirname, 'local.sample.js');

const isEnvConfig = fs.existsSync(envAppConfigURL);
const isDevConfig = fs.existsSync(devAppConfigURL);
const isLocalConfig = fs.existsSync(localAppConfigURL);
const isSampleConfig = fs.existsSync(sampleAppConfigURL);

let ConfigURL;

if (isEnvConfig) {
  ConfigURL = envAppConfigURL;
} else if (isLocalConfig) {
  ConfigURL = localAppConfigURL;
} else if (isSampleConfig) {
  ConfigURL = sampleAppConfigURL;
} else {
  ConfigURL = devAppConfigURL;

module.exports = {
  "presets": [
    ["@babel/preset-env", {
        "targets": {
          "uglify": true,
          "node": "current",
          "browsers": ["> 3%", "ie 11"]
        "debug": false,
    ["@babel/preset-stage-0", {
      "decoratorsLegacy": true,
  "plugins": [
    ["module-resolver", {
      "root": ["/"],
      "alias": {
        Config$: ConfigURL,
        Utils: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/utils/'),
        Components: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/components/'),
        Reducers: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/reducers/'),
        Images: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/assets/images/'),
        Icons: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/assets/icons/'),
        Styles: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/assets/styles/'),
        Shared: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/'),
    ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", {
      "legacy": true
    ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", {
      "loose" : true


  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "node": true,
    "jest": true,
    "worker": true,
    "serviceworker": true,
    "es6": true
  "extends": "airbnb",
  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "globals": {
    "FontFaceObserver": true,
    "fontFaceSet": true,
  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid": [ "error", { "components": [ "Link" ], "specialLink": [ "to" ] } ],
    "no-underscore-dangle": ["error", { "allow": ["_id", "_insertCss", "_getCss","__REDUX_STATE__", "_meta"] }],
    "no-restricted-syntax": ["error", "WithStatement", "BinaryExpression[operator='in']"]
  "settings": {
    "import/resolver": {
      "babel-module": {}


  • Well it seems that I need to duplicate all aliases in both configs. I have rewrite .eslintrc as .eslintrc.js:

    const fs = require('fs');
    const path = require('path');
    const projectPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './');
    const pathToSrc = path.resolve(projectPath, 'src');
    const configPath = path.resolve(projectPath, 'config/app');
    const stats = fs.statSync(pathToSrc);
    const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'dev';
    const envAppConfigURL = path.resolve(configPath, `${env}.js`);
    const devAppConfigURL = path.resolve(configPath, 'dev.js');
    const localAppConfigURL = path.resolve(configPath, 'local.js');
    const sampleAppConfigURL = path.resolve(configPath, 'local.sample.js');
    const isEnvConfig = fs.existsSync(envAppConfigURL);
    const isDevConfig = fs.existsSync(devAppConfigURL);
    const isLocalConfig = fs.existsSync(localAppConfigURL);
    const isSampleConfig = fs.existsSync(sampleAppConfigURL);
    let ConfigURL;
    if (isEnvConfig) {
      ConfigURL = envAppConfigURL;
    } else if (isLocalConfig) {
      ConfigURL = localAppConfigURL;
    } else if (isSampleConfig) {
      ConfigURL = sampleAppConfigURL;
    } else {
      ConfigURL = devAppConfigURL;
    module.exports = {
      "env": {
        "browser": true,
        "node": true,
        "jest": true,
        "worker": true,
        "serviceworker": true,
        "es6": true
      "extends": "airbnb",
      "parser": "babel-eslint",
      "globals": {
        "FontFaceObserver": true,
        "fontFaceSet": true,
      "plugins": [
      "rules": {
        "jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid": [ "error", { "components": [ "Link" ], "specialLink": [ "to" ] } ],
        "no-underscore-dangle": ["error", { "allow": ["_id", "_insertCss", "_getCss","__REDUX_STATE__", "_meta"] }],
        "no-restricted-syntax": ["error", "WithStatement", "BinaryExpression[operator='in']"]
      "settings": {
        "import/resolver": {
          "babel-module": {
            "alias": {
              Config$: ConfigURL,
              Utils: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/utils/'),
              Components: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/components/'),
              Reducers: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/reducers/'),
              Images: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/assets/images/'),
              Icons: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/assets/icons/'),
              Styles: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/assets/styles/'),
              Shared: path.resolve(projectPath, 'src/shared/'),