
How get resolution of SVG image in python?

Is there any way to get the resolution of an SVG image in python. All other image resolution works fine with PIL. I don't get any solution for SVG image.I am using following code to get the resolution but it works only for some cases,

data = request.FILES['picture']
tree = ET.parse(data)
root = tree.getroot()
h = int(root.attrib['height'])
w = int(root.attrib['width'])
print(h, w)


  • SVG files are vectors and can be read as XML. for example, xml.etree.ElementTree in the Python standard library can parse XML files.

    We have something line this :

    <svg width="240" height="240" xmlns="">

    If your file has width and height attributes, you can use them. Without width and height i don't think there is a way to get exactly size of SVG file because they can scale infinitely ( any resolution )

    Width and height

    <svg width="240" height="240" 

    Doubles the original scale.

    <svg viewBox="0 0 120 120" width="240" height="240" 

    Infinite scaling

    <svg viewBox="0 0 120 120" 