
Hyper-parameter Optimization with keras models: GridSearchCV or talos?

I want to tune hyper-parameters on keras models and I was exploring the alternatives I had at hand. The first and most obvious one was to use scikit-learn wrappers as shown here ( thereby being able to use all the faboulous things in the scikit-learn worflow but I also came across this package here ( that seems very promising and most likely offers a speed boost.

if anyone used them both, could someone point me towards the better solution (flexibility, speed, features)? The sklearn workflow with pipeline and custom estimators provides a world of flexibility but talos seems more directly geared towards keras specifically therefore it must yield some advantages (I guess they would not have made a new standalone package otherwise) which I am not able to see (some benefits are highlighted here but such thigns seem to be adequately covered within the scikit-learn framework)

any insights?


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